
Put Your Life into Focus. Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Your Source for Personal Spiritual Growth

Feeling stuck? At a crossroads in your personal, emotional, and outside life? Even the strongest among us can feel lost, unsure, stagnant and unfulfilled in our personal journey. Crossroads are ✨IMPRESSIONABLE✨ If you are at crossroads in life, chances are that you are replaying the event that stopped you and are trying to make sense of it. The mind replays what the heart won't delete. It is something that you may think about repeatedly.

Are you curious about the universe and law of attraction? Are you open minded? Are you willing to really get down to understanding yourself and your life purpose? Are you willing to take responsibility and accountability for you very own actions? Then with ✨Blessed_reverie ✨I am here to help guide you to get the life you ARE fully capable of achieving.

✨As a Passioniate Spiritual Recovery Life Coach,✨ I can help you understand and manage whatever life throws at you, and how to do it successfully. I believe that you have the strength not just to survive, but to truly thrive. When you change your thoughts, you change your reality. Only then, do you ✨create your own story.✨

It is my ✨soul mission✨ to help assist others find self love and recovery with spiritual wellness. My goal is helping you to achieve a more desirable, purposeful, and meaningful life through mindfulness healing. With mindfulness healing, I will help you change your thought patterns and change your beliefs with affirmations, appreciation, and gratitude. I will help you through your spiritual wellness and mindfulness journey with breath work, yoga, and meditation. I will help to awaken oneself, to clarify and set goals, and also help come up with a clear plan to identify any blockages and obstacles in order to work towards reaching your goals.

Teaching and services I provide are:~affirmations ~breath work~changed: behaviors, beliefs, habits, thoughts~energy healing: aromatherapy, chakras, crystals, sounds~group sessions~law of attraction ~manifesting~meditation~1:1 sessions

About Me

✨Passionate Spiritual Recovery Life Coach✨
I have been working as a Spiritual Recovery Coach since 2008. I specialize in helping people identify and achieve their personal goals by coping with the issues that are causing them any anxiety or distress in their lives. I take very great pride in the progress and success of my clients, and look forward to helping you. My journey began at the lowest point in my life. I just had my first child and was battling postpartem depression. My childs father passed away and shortly after I was diagnosed with Post-tramatic stress disorder. I had real severve anxiety that I couldn't seem to shake and I had a hard time coping with all the stress, anxiety and depression. It took me years of seeing counselors and psychiatrists, none of which truly helped me. I felt hopeless, lost and confused. I felt trapped and like I had no way out of what I was feeling. I began using substances to help me cope with the trauma. However, I was only digging myself into a deeper hole. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. At that time I had looked into the mirror and recognized myself as a lost soul. Only then, was I able to embark on my ✨spiritual awakening✨ and what a rollercoaster ride it has been. Now I have 4 amazing children and I am living a fulfilled and accomplished life working as a ✨Passionate Spiritual Recovery Life Coach.✨My soberity date is ✨September 12th. My substance abuse disorder allows me to have first hand experience with struggling to find life's soul purpose. My mission is to help others create a new reality.
✨Tarot Readings✨fall under the 'heading' of entertainment and are subject to interpretation. They should not be taken as an Absolute. It Is never 100% accurate; therefore, it should never be fully trusted. It does not replace any Professional/Medical/Legal/Business Advice on any occasion; regardless, of how you preceive your reading to be accurate and the reader to be trusted. If you are suffering severe difficulties in any of the above areas of: health, mental health, legalities and business concerns, you must consult with those Professionally Qualified to give you suitable treatment and/or advice. A tarot reading, whether holistic or psychic, may not be suffice under the circumstances. Nor do l assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions/actions, subsequent to, or based on my Tarot Readings. ✨COACHING✨ is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. l am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. ✨PRIVACY✨and confidentiality are underpinning principles of my business and you can be assured that all of your personal data and information will be kept safe, complete, and private at all times; both, during course and thereafter. As the client you will always be treated with the upmost respect and integrity.